So, I've been officially unemployed for 5 days. I've filled out online applications for 2 local hospitals. I'm just not sure what kind of direct patient care I'm most interested in. I REALLY want a job at the dialysis center. I'm leaning more & more towards agency nursing. I've been working on getting my paper work together. The stuff I will need to get a job agency nursing. There is a little part of me that thinks... I agency nursing works out for me, maybe I could hit the road in 2011 instead of 2012. That makes me giggle a little :0) I just have no idea what I would do with the dogs if I had to go out to work 40 hours per week. I have a daycare place for them here. Could I find that in every other place I work? I'm getting ahead of myself. Spending my days focused on relocating all my marbles. Catching up on housework. This is my second day of laundry. Didn't even realize I had that many clothes. I'm going to take my CPR class this afternoon and I'm going by Goodwill to look for scrubs. I've found my stethescope and my nursing shoes but I need some white socks and new work panties. I know, TMI. The most fun is I get to try some catch up on my blog buddies this morning.
Hope all is well and going smoothly. Take care and be gentle with each other.
6 hours ago
Thank you for the comment on my blog, yes, I have been busy, but the closer it gets to being out there, the busier it will be. Sounds like you are working your plan. I hope it all works out the way you want it. In the meantime get the rest that you need and enjoy those puppies.
Reading this entry, an idea coalesced and I thought it best to pass it on. From personal experience, collect yourself some professional recommendations from supervisors and co-workers as well as the hospital HR department. Much better to be able to provide actual commendations on appropriate letterhead than to rely on faulty memory and emailed responses from the hospital HR department down the road when applying for the fifth, sixth, tenth or twentieth job in your future. I failed to do this and there is no one at my former job -- makes it very hard to get a reference for a new application that way...
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