The nice thing I woke up to is a show on HGTV called RV 2010. Show is at a big RV show, showing the newest RV's and the newest RV stuff. It was a cool show. Dreaming is good for the attitude.
Will my brain ever let me go? Probably not. I need to give myself space to step back and breathe when I start getting on a roll. I have to laugh. Didn't I just make an entry about my tendency to move slowly and how I would enjoy that during this time off from work? Maybe it takes me so long to do things because I'm busy buzzing in circles. Winding myself up and getting nothing done. Not a very flattering picture.
As long as I'm fessing up to not very pretty sides of myself. I released a BIG GREEN MONSTER yesterday. Let it go. Jealousy is not pretty and never leads to anything good. I have been hugely jealous of a blogger I follow. Jennifer is about my age and has just recently started on her full time adventure (Living in My Car). I was jealous that she already had an income to live on while she was preparing, and once she was on the road. Yesterday, I left a comment on her blog fessing up and wishing her well. She is a great writer and takes interesting pics. I will be following her closely and enjoying her adventure. It felt good to let it go. This is about me and the crazy dogs (please give me the 'crazy dogs' even though I am obviously crazier than them :0) finding our way, learning, and having some fun along the way.
I will find my way in this process. One way, or another, this is going to happen. It helps to be able to share it here. I've always kept a journal but it is different putting stuff out here, in public. There is a different feeling to it.
3 more days off from work. I'm headed for Celestial Seasonings Wednesdy morning. I may actually get some pictures up here for ya. Pictures are always more interesting than just my blather.
For today: Grocery and Laundry. Pretty exciting huh.
- All those people that give up so much so I can have the time and space to work out my dreams.
- Dogs are sleeping in the sun. HAPPY DOGS are a woderful sight.
- Housecleaner coming tomorrow
- Air conditioning
- cool TV shows to remind me of the cool part of the picture